How can I get Delivery Report on My Website?

How can I get Delivery Report on My Website?

Use Following steps and Get Delivery Report on your Website:

1)  Login to bulk SMS portal.

2) Visit here and use the required PHP code & create the URL for the Delivery report.


We provide only the PHP code for the delivery report. If you want another language code then you need to prepare yourself.

3) Inside login left side in the Menu click on the API option.

4) After that click on Webhooks option and add there Your Delivery report URL & save it.

5) After sending SMS within 30 minutes you can get a delivery Report on your created URL page you can check there.


Using API you can able to send SMS on a maximum of 200 numbers. If you want to extend this limit in API then you need to use XML API for Integration. For XML code visit here.

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